What about boys?

Can I play with you?


Teaching our children to ask for permission before joining in a game may not always be the best strategy. Let them be confident and just join in! But most importantly, help them choose friends who are good for them with our free Good Friend Checklist. 💕




Bad friendship advice we can sometimes give our children. If your child wants to join in a game with a group of kids, we can sometimes tell our child to go and ask, can I play with you? That is a risky strategy because those kids can just turn around and say, No. And then what's your child going to do? So according to Tanith Carey, the author of The Friendship Maze, a far better strategy, if your child wants to go and play with the group or play a game they just go up and play. They don't ask for permission. They don't apologize for being there. They just go up and join the game. Now, of course, it is really important that your child chooses friends who are good for them. If you would like some help with that, download our free guide. It's a free Good Friend Checklist that will help you help your child choose healthy friendships, people who they feel good being around, the friends that they deserve to have. You can grab that from the link in the bio or from the link below this video.



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7 essential parenting pillars to protect and free your daughter from anxiety, depression, body hatred, poor self-esteem, peer pressure and friendship problems, and limiting her own potential. 

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