What about boys?

5 Friendship Wreckers


If your child is having trouble making or keeping friends you might need to help them with these 5 Friendship Wreckers - being a show off, a bad sport, gross, a crybaby, and a telltale. 💕


If your child is having problems making friends, they might be using a Friendship Wrecker. So Tanith Carey, the author of The Friendship Maze, has done some amazing research into five things, five friendship wreckers, that kids can do wrong that can impact their friendships. Number one, being a show off. So that's trying to make yourself better than or more superior to your friends. Number two, being a bad sport. So that's cheating, arguing about the rules, being a sore loser. Number three is being gross. So that's picking at scabs, talking about snot, that sort of thing. Number four is what she calls a crybaby. So that's a child who sulks, cries, gets really angry when things don't go their way. You know, more than what is normal and acceptable for a child obviously. And number five is being a telltale. No one likes a dobber. And the rule that I give my girls is that adults only want to know if it is unsafe. Other than that, you work it out yourself. So there's five friendship wreckers that you might like to talk to your child about.

If you need more help in developing your child's friendship skills, then have a look at our short course from the link below.


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