What about boys?

It Stops with Us!


When we engage in conversations about losing weight, gaining weight, and how people look, our girls are listening and learning.

It’s hard to stop the "fat chat" because women have been taught that that’s how we bond.

But, our girls are quite literally learning the language of body hatred at our knees.

If we want to raise our girls to like themselves, then we have to be brave enough to protect them from these toxic conversations.

PS: Find out what else you can do to build your daughter’s body confidence with our FREE Body Confidence Family Health Check. https://www.raisinggirlswholikethemselves.com/healthcheck



Our girls need us to be brave We also need to stop talking about other people's appearance. You know, we have this culture, women have been raised from their mothers and their mothers before them, that we talk about women's bodies, that chat, you know, losing weight, gaining weight, etcetera. Now, our girls are listening. They are quite literally learning at our knee, the language of body hatred, and we need to stop that. We need to say stops with me, they are not going to learn this from my mouth. And we have had to have extremely difficult conversations with people in our family. In our book, we talk about parents being brave, and and that's what we really need to be because having that conversation is not for the faint hearted, you know, there are consequences when you break generations of script in your family, but we need to do it. So our girls grow up building their self worth and their identity on a firmer foundation than other people's perceptions of their beauty.

Have you got your copy of Raising Girls Who Like Themselves?

This ground-breaking new book gives you the 
7 essential parenting pillars to protect and free your daughter from anxiety, depression, body hatred, poor self-esteem, peer pressure and friendship problems, and limiting her own potential. 

Find out more

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