What about boys?

3 important lessons from The Little Mermaid that could change your daughter's life


Partner choice is one of the most important decisions our daughters could ever make. It will affect every aspect of their lives. But we are unlikely to be consulted at the time!

The good news is that we can influence that decision by teaching our girls good relationship values now.

Watch the video for 3 important lessons from The Little Mermaid you can share with your girl. 


Here are three things to talk to your daughter about after watching The Little Mermaid movie. So, when our girls are older, we will have very little influence over their partner choice. And that is a really scary prospect, given that our girl's partner choice will affect every aspect of their lives. But here is the good news. When our daughters are young, we can influence their relationship values. And we can help to teach them what love is and what love isn't. And The Little Mermaid is a really good place to start in having that conversation. So here are three things to talk about. Number one. Ariel gave up her voice in pursuit of love. Tell your daughter that she should never give up her voice, not for anyone or anything. What she says matters. Number two. Ask your daughter if she noticed that the prince fell in love with Ariel when she had not even spoken a single word to him. Point out that if someone claims to love you, but they have no interest in what you say or what you think, then it is not love. Number three. Ask your daughter to think about what ariel had to give up in the end to marry the prince. Everything. She gave up her home, her family, and her tail. And what did the prince sacrifice for love? Absolutely nothing. Ask her if she thinks that is fair. If we can teach our girls these relationship lessons now, we could potentially change their whole lives. Let's not waste these opportunities.

Have you got your copy of Raising Girls Who Like Themselves?

This ground-breaking new book gives you the 
7 essential parenting pillars to protect and free your daughter from anxiety, depression, body hatred, poor self-esteem, peer pressure and friendship problems, and limiting her own potential. 

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